
‘It looked like an alien, with all its tentacles wrapped around her’: are jellyfish here to ruin your summer holiday?

12:31 AM

Heading for the beach? So are huge blooms of jellyfish. Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...

It was a blazing hot summer’s day in central Queensland when Rachael Shardlow’s family – her older brother Sam, their parents, Ruth Macklin and Geoff Shardlow, and their dogs – decided to head for the water. But which water: lake, river, ocean? Ten-year-old Rachael pushed for the dam, at Lake Awoonga. Someone had told her there were crocodiles at Calliope River, and she was scared. But the lake was a wildlife sanctuary: no dogs allowed.

Rachael would not budge – so her family called her bluff, bundling into the car and driving off without her. They had only reached the end of the street before Rachael caved, calling them to come back and get her.

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from The Guardian


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